Hi, I am a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. David Ebert at Purdue University. I work as a research assistant at Purdue/DHS Visual Analytics Center of Excellence. Previous, I received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Zhejiang University, under the supervision of Prof. Wei Chen in the State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG. During my undergrad study, I focused on large-scale graph visualization and meteorological data visualization. I was a summer research intern at NCSU in 2012, working with Prof. Ben Watson on large-screen text visualization.

My research interests lie in the general areas of visual analytics, information visualization and computer-human interaction. Please check out Projects and Publications for more information.

My previous & current research includes:

Visual Analytics:

  • Spatiotemporal data (e.g., multi-scale clustering, anomaly detection)
  • Streaming data and situational awareness (e.g., real-time social media, dynamic networks)
  • Text and document data (e.g., topic modeling, word embedding)

InfoVis and CHI:

  • Geospatial visualization (multi-scale navigation and interaction, context preservation)
  • Text visualization
  • User-centric visualization design and evaluation

Email: zhan1486 AT purdue DOT edu
Contact: 500 Central Drive, Potter Engineering Center, West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone: (404)-769-2414

You can also download my resume here.